Monday, January 28, 2008

Great College Newspaper Web Design!

A friend of mine sent me the link to BYU's student newspaper because her picture was in it today. When I clicked the link to read the paper, I was really surprised by how professional the whole thing looked. The PDF version of it could easily pass for a print version of the New York Times, if you look quickly enough. And it's daily!

Granted, there's really not much reason for me to look at this paper (besides when my friend's picture is in it) considering that BYU is in Provo, UT and drastically different from Northeastern University. I just wanted to share this paper because I think it's an awesome example of a professionally designed college newspaper.

One thing that I'm not so sure that I like, though, is that the paper uses articles from the AP. I suppose it makes the paper just that much more professional, but I think a big pull for college students reading their schools' newspapers is that they are generally extremely local and written and edited entirely by the students' peers.

Nonetheless, it looks great!


JRTR said...

Thanks for your post, like you, I probably never would have gone to the BYU's newspaper Web site on my own. I agree that the design looks very professional, I also agree with your opinion on AP stories in college papers. I understand that as a Daily the paper needs more content to have relevant info everyday, but I prefer college papers that focus mainly on local issues.

Dan Kennedy said...

The print edition is very attractive. At first glance, though, the online edition looks like a lost opportunity. The "podcast" isn't really a podcast — it's streaming audio that kept cutting out when I tried to listen to it. About the most interesting thing on the Web site is support for handheld devices.